Jet Pilot (Preview) To be published by: VULCAN Flight sims on the Amiga have been a bit sparse recently so when I heard of this new sim I just had to find out more. -- - Two aircraft types, the Lockheed F-104 and English Electric Lightning both with full 360° bitmapped cockpit. - Ten full-screen bitmaps (menu, radars, etc). - Large overscan display to cover the entire screen. - High-res-laced display supported (not on this demo). - The Amiga's narrator.device is used for radio communications. - The mouse is used extensively for easy control of the program. - Interactive screen manual for quick access during flight. - Operational performance data can be displayed in graphical form to make direct comparisons between different aircraft types (this is for the more technically minded). - 27 airfields in the UK, western Europe and Mediterranean. - An extensive range of navigational aids with map. - 20 or more demo missions. - 60 or more missions for practise, exercise and combat. - Weather, atmospheric conditions and time can be changed. - Ground controlled approach. - Ground controlled intercept. - Air combat manoeuvering. - Dissimilar aircombat training. - Missile practise firing. - Most performance parameter are within 10% or better of the real aircraft. - Up to 255 aircraft can be activated (this requires 4MB Fast RAM). So it sounds good no? Well whats it play like I hear you ask? Good question but before I give you my view you can download a demo from AmiNet, Vulcan's home page or any good BBS (Channel X BBS). The demo plays very well on my set up which is an A1200/030 with 10megs of ram. The frame rate is acceptable, and for those with slower processors there are the normal options of setting the texture mapping etc. Also the screen can be set from lores to hires and even interlace. So those people out there with fast Amigas can get full detail in a nice hires interlace screen. Sound is a bit sparse, but then there isn't much to hear in a jet but the roar of the engine. A novel idea has been used to implement speech into the game using the narrator.device that came with workbench 1.3/2.x. So the 'tower' talks to you, yes talks, but the problem is the speech although understandable its a bit fast like the guy speaking is trying for a new record in speed speaking. First impressions are that the Amiga has just got a new awesome flight sim and Tornado might just lose its crown. There will be a full review as soon as Jet Pilot is released and I can afford to buy it... Hint Hint Vulcan ;-) Ben Gaunt END ===